What's YOUR Favorite Color
in a Color Wheel?

'What's a Color Wheel ?'

Maybe your favorite color is Red, Orange or Blue. But there are millions of different reds, oranges and blues, so I might ask you to point out "Which one?"

Every different shade or tint has a whole different flavor. A Color Wheel will help you understand how to really see and use color.

This site has been built to share my 30 years of personal experience and constant learning about color and paint mixing.

Did you know?  Humans are the only known creature that can see the full spectrum of different colors.

My name is Shirley Williams and I'm a full-time, professional artist.

You can see a few of my paintings and find out a little more about me right here on this site.

Using color is so much fun that I can hardly wait to show you how. If you've ever agonized over which paint chip to choose for your living room, don't worry. You'll be able to select beautiful harmonies or mix paint like a professional in no time at all.

Open up a whole new world of color appreciation !!

First say 'hello' to a Basic Color Wheel.

Get the big picture overview of what it looks like and learn the difference between

a Hue, Tint, Shade and Tone.

Basic Color Wheel
Illustration by Victor Lunn-Rockliffe

You may also want to remind yourself of the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary hues.

Color Theory may sound dry, but once you understand a few simple things about the Color Wheel, you'll possess the keys that unlock a whole new world of beauty.

Where do you go from here?

How do you use these 12 basic colors to create harmonies that actually look great?

This site is going to ease you into the whole subject one tiny step at a time. Everything is explained visually and in common sense language. Plus I'm going to give you practical tips to make it simple to use what you learn.

If you've ever wondered how to use the most simple color schemes like a Monochromatic, or a Complementary Scheme, it's all here.

There are also 3 - 4 - and Multi-Color Schemes to try out. Some like Split Complementary or a Square Tetrad may sound scary but they're really simple once you know how.

Believe me, you'll be using most of these color schemes with ease in no time flat.

Illustration by Victor Lunn-Ro

Be sure to keep returning to this site as it gets filled with lots of other interesting facts.

We'll explain in detail how to make practical use of of all this theory.

There's also fascinating information about the Meanings of Color, Color Mixing, Color in Design, and Color in Art to name only a few.

Here's a Bonus for you !!!

Be sure to Download the three FREE Printable Wheels so you can practice mixing paint colors on your own.

Have fun with it ....
There are no mistakes - only experience !!

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