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What's My Secret?

I'm an Artist not a "Techie". How did I build this website?

In early 2008 I was finally introduced to the answer I'd been seeking for several years. The question I'd been asking myself was ....

"How can I combine my own personal passion and knowledge about color and make extra money with the power of the internet?"

Being an artist is very fulfilling and time-consuming. Over the past 20 years I've built a wonderful career and am blessed to be represented by galleries and agents in Canada, the US and the UK. You can see my professionally built website here at Shirley Williams Art.

Although there is a high demand for my paintings, it's not always a steady income and my studio expenses are really high. People don't generally realize that an artist's costs include studio space, shipping, brokerage fees, art supplies and business expenses. On top of that, a gallery generally keeps 50% of the selling price for a painting. There's really not much left over after expenses.

So for years I've been searching for a way to earn extra income in a way that would still leave me time for my full-time career. I knew the internet was the answer. But when I was honest with myself, I realized sitting in front of a computer all day writing code was not my thing. I'd much prefer to be in the studio. Yet, I persisted. There had to be an answer.

My Goals were these:
* Create additional income for myself
* Keep it part-time and independent
* Be doing something I'm passionate about
* Make it a fun learning experience
* Use the power of the world wide web

My Hurdles were:
* I'm definitely not a techie by nature
* I didn't know anything about building a website
* I had no clue about HTML
* There was so much conflicting information about online marketing
* I definitely wanted to stay away from hype, scams and spam

Up to then I felt confused and overwhelmed by it all.
There had to be an easy, honest way to build a web-site, share my passion and create a profitable on-line business.

After researching for years in frustration, I received an email out-of-the-blue from one of my colleagues. He highly recommended I look into an online organization called SiteSell. They also refer to themselves as SiteBuildIt or SBI for short.

After watching the online video, I got excited and decided to look further to see if their claims were true.

I found out they have a whole program that would basically build the website for me. All I had to do was write about my hobby or interest, which for me was all about color. Not only that, there was endless help available - and I mean endless!

From start to finish they have all the tools and guide you every inch of the way. They offer so much in their all-inclusive package.

* a complete video series to guide you step-by-step through the whole process from start to finish
* all the software tools included
* keyword and brainstorming tools
* tools for creating surveys, contact forms, e-zines, autoresponders and more
* spam protection and arms-length privacy to protect my email address
* writing and marketing guides
* automatic search engine optimization
* a friendly, honest support team
* and so much more ..............

It sounded almost too good to be true. I'd seen a lot of schemes and claims for a lot more money. Here are five things that convinced me to give it a try...

1st SBI! has a no-risk, 30-day money back guarantee. It's a risk-free decision that you can make with confidence and peace of mind.

2nd I wanted to know if real people were actually using SBI! with success. I did my research, and found that it wasn't just a matter of 12 people at the top making a fortune. There were real people from all walks of life, with all kinds of different hobbies and interests, from all over the world that were creating successful websites! As I checked out these people's websites I started to think,"Hey, I could do that!"

3rd But what about the company? Was this just a fly-by-night company, or something that would be around for awhile? I discovered Sitesell.com was started in 1997 by an entrepreneur and medical doctor, Ken Evoy. I was drawn to the company because of its high ethical standards and mission to help people succeed on the internet.

I soon realized that this was no flash in the pan company. At the time of writing, the Sitesell website is, according to Alexa.com, more popular than IBM's website, and even the American Express website. How can this be, with no TV advertising, no big corporate partners? Very simple - word of mouth. People were using Site Build It!, seeing it actually works for them, and telling their friends. Their friends tried it, and they told others, and so on, and so on. That's the kind of advertising I couldn't argue with.

4th The cost to join is surprisingly inexpensive and all inclusive. - way less than anything else I'd ever seen.

5th They even offer a Free Trial of the entire program to make sure this is something you really want to do.

Download Free Trial Here

Since signing up in March 2008, I've been taking my time building my site, progressing at my own pace and enjoying the journey. SBI has made the whole process so natural and fun.

It's exciting to see my web site take shape. It's opened a whole new world of internet opportunities for adding to my income. And the feedback I'm receiving from my viewers is very gratifying too. How wonderful to be able to share my knowledge and provide valuable information to those who can use it.

Believe me - this site would not exist without SiteBuildIt holding my hand every step of the way.

What about you?
* Are you an artist or crafts person looking to work from home?
* Do you simply want to share your passion with the world?
* Are you looking for freedom from a dead-end job, or looking to use your abilities to their full potential?
* Are you a stay-at-home mom wanting to create a little business for yourself while the kids are asleep?
* Or do you just want some solid income on the side, to do some of those things you always told yourself you would do?

Here are two great ways to check out this opportunity for yourself, so that you can make an informed decision:

1. Take a quick tour of SBI! I'm short on time - give me a quick overview!

2. Take a look at other SBI websites. You'll see that these sites are amongst the most user friendly, highly ranked and most successful sites on the internet today.

If you're like me, I was itching to get started by this point. If you ever wanted to earn extra income from the internet, SBI is the one proven way to make it as simple and inexpensive as possible. It's one of the best decisions I ever made.
If by chance you're eager to get started too you can Order Here Now - Risk Free.

You have absolutely nothing to lose. Have fun !

Oh and before you go, check out this very cool Interactive Bulletin Board made by other SBI owners.

P.S. I should also inform you that once you grow to as large as SBI!, you are bound to start being attacked by people. This is what happened with the SBI scam campaign, where people wrongfully were attacking SBI! in order to promote their own products.

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